
Join the Shortest Queue

This example is a translation of this example from SimPy Classic. In this scenario, we are implementing what is known as the Join the Shortest Queue (JSQ) algorithm, wherein a job will choose the queue with the smallest wait time. In our DES universe, the jobs will be “Customers” and the servers will be “Counters” at a bank. There are two counters currently servicing patrons and the patrons are smart enough to not to join the bigger of the two lines.

To start, let us run our system until either 30 customers are generated and complete their time in the environment or if some period of time (400 arbitrary units of time) have passed. Let us also choose an average time for each customer to spend in the bank and the mean of our arrival process. For simplicity, we will assume both the service and arrival processes to be exponential.

from parallelqueue.base_models import JSQd
from parallelqueue.monitors import TimeQueueSize
from random import expovariate

sim = JSQd(parallelism=2, seed=123, d=1, Arrival=expovariate, AArgs=0.10,
            Service=expovariate, SArgs=0.12, maxTime=400,
            numberJobs=30, Modules=[TimeQueueSize])
# Note that because numberJobs is conditional on infiniteJobs being false,
# we manually specify so before running the simulation.

Now, with our dataframe, we can visualize the queue loads over time by running:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt